Corrosion damage is especially prevalent in marine applications, where a constant salt air environment—often combined with high temperatures and humidity levels—increases the threat of corrosion. This can result in the deterioration of boats, ships, and other marine structures, leading to expensive repairs and potential safety hazards.
To combat these issues, marine industries often use ZERUST® rust preventative coatings, VCI packaging, and VCI Emitters/diffusers to prevent corrosion.
In order to minimize the effects of corrosion, marine industries must take a proactive approach. This includes regularly inspecting and maintaining boats and ships, using ZERUST® rust preventative coatings, VCI packaging, and VCI Emitters/diffusers, and keeping the vessels clean. Additionally, companies should also regularly train their personnel on proper corrosion control practices.
In conclusion, corrosion is a significant challenge in the marine industry and requires a comprehensive approach to manage it effectively. Marine industries can ensure the longevity, reliability, and safety of their vessels and structures by taking the necessary steps to prevent corrosion.
Request InformationZERUST® offers a wide array of VCI and corrosion-inhibiting products for the marine industry, ranging from VCI Packaging Films & Paper, VCI Emitters & Diffusers, Rust Removers, Industrial Cleaners & Degreasers, and Rust Inhibitors, Preventatives & Coatings. In other words, ZERUST® provides cost-effective and versatile protection of marine metal parts, boat motors, and batteries of any size.